Past Advocacy
Georgie will designate a source of support and advocacy for students who struggle to navigate the barriers of financial aid alone...
Georgie will push for living wages for graduate student assistants and other student employees of the university...
Georgie will help make student travel more affordable through asking administration to provide all students with a UPass...
Georgie will collaborate with GW Dining to raise awareness about meal deals and partner with GW’s affordable dining partners, push to increase...
Georgie will advocate for full matriculation for CCAS students so that they may transfer credits to fulfill GPAC requirements...
Georgie will propose increasing laundry credits by fifteen credits a semester over the course of the 2020-2021 academic year...
Georgie will push for the expansion of President LeBlanc’s Office Hours and an increase in the amount of times students may meet with...
The Mount Vernon Campus needs to be incorporated in all discussions on safety, accessibility, and dining. Georgie will work to improve...
Georgie will increase the number of available composting options, establish a garden at GW, and install more campus water bottle filling stations...
Georgie will advocate for private areas within student health services spaces for students to fill out sensitive pre-appointment information...
Currently, none of our buildings are fully compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act. As SA president, Georgie will establish a VP of...
As SA president, Georgie will establish a group of students from varying backgrounds to work together in response to campus incidents that require...
Student orgs sometimes struggle to effectively communicate with each other.This council will allow multicultural student orgs to...
Georgie believes that GW should make the health of our plant a top priority through fully divesting from fossil fuels. As SA president, Georgie will...
Many names at our institution are inaccurate, insensitive, and inappropriate representations of the GW community. George will work to establish...
The MSSC is an important hub for our multicultural students on campus, however, the space is inaccessible and cramped for the community it serves...